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[Title: Amaranth]

Outline of each category
Tools sed scripts and macros and data that I made when I want something to make it more easy to do, for writing text or for processing text that I always doing.
(Sed is a unique tool for text replacement.)
Programming Some functions of JavaScript or of other programming languages, as parts that I made when I programmed something or for my web pages.
Parts that I will introduce may be with JavaScript, because I don't have a programming language on my Windows95 now.
But any of them may be help for other programming languages.

Doodle My opinions or ideas for events around me, or articles I see on the Net. Exclude things too personal.
(only in Japanese text)
Each columns have a written date, but I change descriptions or add some comments to them at any time I want. So, if you've read the past columns at that time, that does not mean you've read all my comments at late time. Pleas check each column's date of changes/adds on index page of doodle, or check changes/adds dates on each column pages.
Graphics Character graphics etc. that I made.
Misc Miscellaneous page. Such as memorandum about color printer, how to make 3D-image by flatbed scanner, bunch of low techs or how to boot-up DOS mode with Windows Me, Clearance sale info etc.
Gate An entrance pages for only my acquaintance.
About Me Self introduction.
What's New Enumeration for changing pages by seriese in time.(end of this page).
Links Web sites that I am interested in.
(It must contain few dead-links, because I sometimes check them.)
Questionnaire I am asking for an answer to blush up my scripts in JavaScript to display date of document's lastmodified.
And I made a list of Difference of lastmodified.
* About errors of JavaScript
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What's New
(exclude links pages or trifles) [To Top]

Date YYYY-MM-DDChange PageNote of Change
2023-02-12ProgrammingRevised Function to calculate age with VBA; CalcAge & CalcAge2
2020-12-29DoodleUWSC script that answers the MediaCoder's question dialog
2020-08-11ToolsRevised Excel file to choose TEPCO's electricity rate plan.
2019-11-23ToolsRevised kn2an.sed to ver.2.84.
2019-05-30DoodleFinally (too late) Korean fishery product regulations will be strengthened.
2019-05-24DoodleCompanies devoted to fooling consumers
2019-04-02ToolsRevised List of the Christian era vs Japanese Imperial era.
2019-01-26DoodleI purchased a multi function page printer
2018-03-18ToolsRevised Program for ruleline and timestamp for Win95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP/Vista/7 DOS/Command Prompt or DOS with DPMI to rev.6.
2018-03-09ToolsRevised Excel AddIn as String Transformer In Selection Range rev.7.
2017-10-09ToolsRevised Excel AddIn as String Transformer In Selection Range rev.6.
2016-03-12ToolsRevised Excel AddIn as String Transformer In Selection Range rev.5.
2015-12-26ToolsRevised Excel file to choose TEPCO's electricity rate plan.
2014-03-31ToolsRevised Program for ruleline and timestamp for Win95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP/Vista/7 DOS/Command Prompt or DOS with DPMI to rev.5.
Revised Program to make directory with name of date and time, for Win95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP/Vista/7 DOS/Command Prompt / DOS with DPMI to rev.6.
Revised Program to rename file with current date and time, for Win95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP/Vista/7 DOS/Command Prompt / DOS with DPMI to rev.3.
2014-03-30ToolsRevised Program for ruleline and timestamp for Win95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP/Vista/7 DOS/Command Prompt or DOS with DPMI to rev.4.
Revised Program to make directory with name of date and time, for Win95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP/Vista/7 DOS/Command Prompt / DOS with DPMI to rev.5.
Revised Program to rename file with current date and time, for Win95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP/Vista/7 DOS/Command Prompt / DOS with DPMI to rev.2.
2014-04-21ToolsRevised Macro package to transform Kanji Number to Arabic Number to rev.4.
2014-02-21ToolsRevised Excel AddIn as String Transformer In Selection Range rev.4.
2013-10-10ToolsRevised kn2an.sed to ver.2.83.
2013-07-30DoodleColon Bacillus found in restaurant and food market in Korea this year, too..
2013-07-09ToolsRevised Excel file to choose TEPCO's electricity rate plan.
2013-06-23DoodleWindows Media Player changes timestamp of mp3 or wma after playing.
2013-06-11DoodleTEPCO's electricity rate plan
2013-06-11ToolsAdded Excel file to choose TEPCO's electricity rate plan.
2013-04-01ToolsRevised Macro package to transform Kanji Number to Arabic Number to rev.3.
2013-03-31DoodleCharacter of residue of Prime number.
2013-03-31DoodleMisc: Natural yeast / On schedule train service
2013-01-08DoodleWhen aspect of received FAX image is wrong...
2012-11-16DoodleTrifling memorandum about Gladinet and login problem into Hotmail.
2012-11-04DoodleSelf-Copy with Multi Funtional Inkjet Printer Part.2..
2012-11-04DoodleAdded Free PDF writer (Bullzip PDF Priter) into former list.
2012-10-13DoodleTrifling memorandum about Java and TimeZone.
2012-10-07DoodleA neighboring country who does not thank for japan, who always tell lie.
2012-10-07DoodleI need a detailed description about ingradient of food..
2012-09-28DoodleNaturally, but sensible message behind edge on brick package of juice..
2012-08-11DoodleProfessional book copying quality of National Diet Library.
2012-08-11DoodleAnnoying garbage file of Version 7 Update 5 (build 1.7.0_05-b05)
2012-08-07DoodleI hate navigation toolbar design of Firefox 14.0.1.
2012-07-27DoodleIrregular print quality monitoring part.4
2012-06-20DoodleKorean food pollution and Japanese mass media who does not report it.
2012-05-25DoodleAnnular eclipse related.
2012-05-25DoodleI hope Windows Update (Microsoft update) be more smart.
2012-05-09DoodleOpen tools to avoid EPSON Scan's delay with Virus Buster.
2012-05-09ToolsAdded EPSON_Scan's delay avoider.
2012-04-03DoodlePrint out using Officejet Pro 8500 on LAN by Window Me PC