[Japanese page]

Questionnaire about lastmodified

I am investigating a way of displaying document's lastmodified by WWW browser & OS. Please answer me if you can.
If you want to see answers that I got, please check on Difference of lastmodified.
v--- From below line

0: Script's version for this test
1: Your Browser's Infomation
2: Document's lastmodified by standard function of JavaScript.
   Some browsers display this by UTC.
3: Splited by user's function (like Netscape's JavaScript 1.1 split)
4: offset of localtime from UTC (For JST, Browsers return -540, but MSIE3 returns 540 because of Bug.)

^--- to above line, please send me a copy of displaying string by mail.
You don't have to arrange its style, please just send it.

It's better that you send me a mail with above information, but instead of it,
please send me a simple reply with selecting following links : [Normal] / [Abnormal]

Addition to it, I appreciate your kindness to send me copies of displaying "Test for year 1999" and "Test for year 2013".